A screenshot of the Youtube thumbnail of the interview
From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcC1vfoaQMw

During the “3D Print” exhibition, which took place in Lyon, France, from June 3rd to June 5th, Cédric Mallet, CEO of Bambu Lab Europe, answered a few questions asked by their reseller, Atome3D. The interview is in French (video at the end) and was posted two days ago.

The first question was if Bambu Lab expected to be so successful. They hoped they would but couldn’t predict it. Nonetheless, they were surprised at the audience. They expected their main audience to be makers, printing as a hobby, but they saw more and more professionals using their printers in a way they didn’t expect. This forces them to think about their offer in a new light.

The interview continues to discuss the A1 recall that happened in February. The question is, “Why did you recall all the A1s?” Cédric Mallet explains that they didn’t want to take any risks. According to him, it’s in Bambu Lab’s DNA to provide the nicest 3D printing experience to their customers. He acknowledges it was hard for them, as a young company, to do it. Yet, they are convinced it was the right thing to do.

The next question is probably the most obvious: when will Bambu Lab release a new printer? Cédric Mallet tells us that, in the beginning, Bambu Lab wanted to release a new printer model every two years. He says they are not releasing one right now, but it’s been two years, and their engineers are working on the next generation. They have very advanced prototypes, and even though the R&D work is still in progress, Mallet says the chances for them to release a new model by the end of the year are very likely. This makes sense since Bambu Lab has been teasing a new flagship model for 2024 for quite some time now.

Like many of you, Atome3D wanted to know when the “bigger” Bambu Lab will be released. Cédric Mallet answers that he has been working at Bambu Lab for almost two years, and ever since he started to work there, people have asked him that question. He says they have heard the feedback and worked a lot on it. He continues to explain that the challenge Bambu Lab is facing is to make a bigger printer but within the constraints they impose on themselves. We can only assume it means making a bigger printer as easy to use as the rest of Bambu Lab printers. Nevertheless, Mallet says he is confident their engineering team will provide a solution.