MakerWorld contest schedule

MakerWorld’s official account has published a new schedule for the upcoming contests:

April 15th, 2024: Amazing Precision: The 0.2mm nozzle Design Challenge

For this challenge, we welcome our designers to explore the boundless possibilities of printing with a 0.2mm nozzle. The only requirement for this contest is that your model, regardless of its size, must be print-tested with a 0.2mm nozzle and attached with an actual printed model photo.

For this contest, you can have more information in the article we released previously about it.

April 22nd, 2024: Mother‘s Day

As Mother’s Day slowly approaches, we would like to invite you to design the perfect gift for our cherished mothers. We’re eager to learn about the inspiration behind your design and the heartfelt reasons that led you to create this special gift for your mother. If possible, please include a photo of your mother receiving the gift to capture her joy!

April 29th, 2024: Animal Frenzy

Bring your favorite animals to life through your designs! Your entries can take the form of intricately detailed sculptures or articulated/flexi designs suitable for various purposes. However, please make sure that your designs remain focused on the animals themselves, rather than generic items (such as cat toys or dog bowls as we plan to hold contests dedicated to those themes in the future.)

If you are interested in participating, this is a great way to have one step ahead, and to already start designing.