A screenshot of Parametric Model Maker with 3 columns of different colors which can be parameterized.
From https://forum.bambulab.com/t/paramatric-model-maker-v0-9-0-support-multi-color-modeling/100160

Yesterday, Bambu Lab announced that they have update their MakerLab tool ‘Parametric Model Maker’ to version 0.9.0 allowing it to export multi-color models. This was made possible by a contribution from the community.

Bambu Lab show cases this new capability by putting forward two models:

This is now live and you can try it with those two models.

If you a creator and would like to bring this new functionality to your own models, you can find the explanation of how to do that on Bambu Lab’s forum: https://forum.bambulab.com/t/paramatric-model-maker-v0-9-0-support-multi-color-modeling/100160